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Mariam Odu-Onikosi


Mariam Odu-Onikosi is a board-certified psychiatric nurse practitioner. She graduated from Walden University. She is a compassionate and dedicated Licensed Registered Nurse and Psychiatric Nursing Professional offering an accomplished combination of education and experience with Hospital, Inpatient/Outpatient Psychiatry, Drug/Alcohol Treatment center, Rehab, home health, and clinical training. She has a strong history of success in the treatment of psychiatric illness, medical and emotional illness including environmental, sociological, psychological, and physical factors of mental and emotional disorders. She focuses on developing a personalized treatment plan while utilizing evidence-based pharmacological and non pharmacological modalities to support each client. In her spare time, Mariam enjoys cooking, exploring restaurants, and planning small events for her friends and family.
Nurse Practitioner
Masters Degree, Walden University
The tools that I’ll provide you with are tools that I have been perfecting over my career helping people just like you. I have dozens of them. My goal for you is to have at least five different tools and techniques that you can carry with you at all times. So no matter where you go, you’ll always have access to discreet exercises that can quickly create relief. I am direct and solution focused. We’ll work collaboratively to address any issues that are bothering you right now. We’ll start with what’s going on in the moment and how to get control over your body and thoughts. My practice has been focused on helping people get rid of anxiety, and depression. I have attended trainings that teach leading edge techniques. We’ll address what’s going on in your brain when you feel anxious, depressed, and how to get in touch with different parts of your brain to find relief. We’ll discuss what happens to your body when fear takes over so you can learn how to quickly calm down.
I believe that everyone can change and grow at any time in their lives. I don’t believe that there is a limit to human capacity. I think the main reason we develop mental health issues is because they are unhealthy learned behaviors that we have picked up along the way. Which means that I think you can unlearn the faulty behaviors and replace them with healthy ones. As a child, I suffered from anxiety and panic attacks. Through my own therapy, I learned how to handle my anxiety and move past it so that it didn’t have control over me. I haven’t had a panic attack in years and I want you to feel the same freedom that I experience every day. I don’t discriminate against anyone. I make it a point to participate in marches and community actions that support the LGBTQ community.

Shello Culanag, RN

Medical Assistant

Meet Shelo, a compassionate licensed registered nurse hailing from the Philippines. Her healthcare journey began with a focus on community well-being, addressing health needs in local settings. Venturing into the virtual realm, Shelo assumed the role of a Medical Virtual Assistant in the USA. Currently, she thrives as a dedicated Medical Assistant in psychiatry, employing her expertise to assist those navigating mental health challenges.

Shelo’s professional narrative mirrors her unwavering dedication to holistic care, leaving an indelible mark on the lives she touches. Whether in physical communities or the virtual landscape, she continues to make a positive impact on the well-being of individuals, embodying the spirit of compassionate healthcare.